First real estate Marketplace in Georgia!

Utility payments in Georgia. Services. Repair works.

  • Electricity: $0,08-0,10/kWh
  • Water: $1,10-1,12/person
  • Gas: $0,25-0,30/m3
  • Waste service: $1,05-1,10/person
  • Payments to Public Housing and Utilities Unit for house services make $10-15 in a month.
  • Repair and finishing work cost: $130-250/m2.
  • The cost of capital construction: $80-240/m2.
АН "New Batumi"
+995 593-50-40-40 Tel/Viber/WhatsApp
Агентство недвижимости
"New Batumi"
"New Batumi"
+995 593-50-40-40
Количество объектов: 14500
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Added objects: 16
Viewed (from Georgia): 115126
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Sold: 2



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