First real estate Marketplace in Georgia!

Mortgage in Georgia. Installment payments

Mortgage cannot be granted for foreign citizens, but they can avail themselves of payment by installment, provided by construction companies-developers. Almost all construction companies-developers offer installments for a period of 5-36 months and an initial contribution of 20-50% in new buildings.

Information about new buildings represented on our website in the sections of:
АН "New Batumi"
+995 593-50-40-40 Tel/Viber/WhatsApp
Агентство недвижимости
"New Batumi"
"New Batumi"
+995 593-50-40-40
Количество объектов: 14500
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In the last 30 days

Added objects: 16
Viewed (from Georgia): 115126
Viewed (from other countries): 223479
Sold: 2



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